

The definition of involuntary celibacy

Scientifically speaking, incels (involuntary celibates) throw this name around simply because they fail at finding a relationship or having sex. Practically speaking, these people yell at the top of their lungs that the world is unjust, that women don’t love them, when the blame is entirely theirs. If they can’t make themselves appreciated by women, there’s no one else to blame but them. Whether they’re physically unattractive or not, all of them have the attitude of a puny worm that people can just step on.

As a man, you must have a strong willpower, and not let your self-esteem be destroyed by anyone, not even a woman. Inferiority complexes, physical or psychological, automatically lead to losing your self-esteem. These complexes can follow repeated romantic failures. If a man is refused one too many times by women, then he might develop an inferiority complex.

However, what’s essential to understand is the cause for the streak of romantic failures. Is it because his face causes dysentery and spontaneous blinding, or is it because of his weak personality? While the former case is possible, it’s much more improbable than the latter. Most incels are psychologically weak, and they have a frail attitude. They believe that society owes them one way or another, and that women should suck their dicks because they’re so downtrodden.

What makes these men so feeble?

An involuntary celibate will tell you that, no matter how hard he tries, women refuse him. None of them appreciate him for his kindness or empathy. He’ll tell you that he’d be an ideal, affectionate, and loving partner. It’s just that no one notices him. He sees it unfair that this happens to him. Why do other men have so many women next to them despite the violent way they’re treating them?

This question vexes and consumes the minds of all these men. They don’t understand what makes them so damned and why the world doesn’t appreciate them. However, they’ve built a false perspective on the world. The truth is, society doesn’t owe them anything – not appreciation, not love, and certainly not sex. If you can’t get these things on your own, no one will offer them on a platter, and that’s perfectly normal.

Do we want to be paraplegic vegetables groveling for a bowl of soup to just fall in our laps, or are we going to fight for our food? The natural and logical answer is the second one, obviously. The urban society is nothing else than a more refined jungle in the wilderness. The competition and the struggle for survival are just as important now as they’ve been during prehistoric times when man only wanted to live for another day. Now, however, you generally don’t fight for your literal survival. You fight for social survival.

How to survive socially

The mindset, although much more refined and dressed in pompous concepts, remains the same. If you want to eat, you must sharpen your spear and hunt for food. Otherwise, you’ll starve. In the 21st century society, the reality is almost unchanged – to win social recognition, a relationship or success, you must fight to get them

The repercussions of failure in today’s society aren’t as absolute as back then though. You don’t lose your life if you can’t get society’s recognition. Well, you could if you committed suicide. Normally, the only repercussion is your own disappointment and perhaps an inferiority complex. That feeling of inferiority can arise from many situations, and it’s not abnormal. However, you have to squash it beneath your foot as soon as it rears its ugly head into the open. It will only bring you sadness, stagnation, and envy.

A man with lots of romantic failures and inferiority complexes at his belt will have a tough time dealing with them. It’s an entire psychological labyrinth that you have to solve before safely finding a way out of your situation. This would mean getting rid of your inferiority complex and changing your attitude. The world obeys your every command if you know how to act. Do you want to be a winner who turns everything he touches into success or a sorry loser? The decision is yours!

Do you want to have sex?

If you want to fuck any woman you meet, act like you’ve already fucked the mall, and you’re only killing time now. To conquer a woman, you need to manifest masculine traits – aggressiveness, calmness, masculinity, and competitiveness. You don’t need to become a caveman who spits and claws at anyone who contradicts him to be a man.
However, you mustn’t let anyone step on you in a confrontation. You need to hold your ground calmly and never take a step back. If something matters for you, fight for it, and never give up. That’s how you win a woman’s appreciation. A woman will be even more impressed the more you prove your strength and self-mastery to her. Act mysteriously, and grow her interest in you.

Normally, I would tell you to behave naturally because pretending will only do more harm than good in the future. Women have a habit of finding out about these things. However, if your natural state is emotiveness, weakness, and frailty, then you need to change some things around here. Learn how to behave in masculine way, and learn how to act like an alpha male. Moreover, learn how to face off against confrontations without throwing the white flag. I guarantee that, as long as you act like a real man, women will come to you.

The attitude represents 90% of the entire game, like I said in the beginning. Change your attitude, and everything else will transform to match your attitude. Become dominant and aggressive, never step back, and impose your will in key situations. Women love these masculine traits, and you’ll have won more than just their appreciation. You’ll have won your own appreciation, and your self-confidence will grow exponentially. In life, self-confidence is an extremely important element.