

Less than noble motivations

If you’d ask a feminist man why he supports the feminist movement, he’s serve you the ethically justified rhetoric about misogyny and discrimination that bar women’s lives. He does it because he’s a social justice warrior, ready to help the poor women that are overwhelmed by the toxic masculinity of the patriarchy. Nice rhetoric, I’ll say that.

However, the true reason is more pervasive and obscene than that – he just wants to fuck something. And how else would he fuck something than by supporting the feminist movement? He places himself in the position of a defender of women, in the hope that he’ll attract attention to his white-knight personality. Why does he want that? Because maybe, just maybe, he’ll trick a feminist into sleeping with him. Without these tricks, he’s not capable of impressing a woman enough.

It all comes down to the sex cravings, a slightly less noble motivation that most feminist men prefer to hide. Otherwise, they wouldn’t be so adamant about their revolt against the social patriarchy that, by the way, they’re a part of. Most of the time, these feminist men cry wolf that men are rapists, sexists, and misogynists. These acts of willing self-harm is the peak of degeneration that is the feminist man, whose testosterone levels are nearing absolute zero.

The impotence of men

Weak, emotional, psychologically impotent and malleable men represent 99% of feminist men. There’s not a more loathsome and ugly creature than a feminist men blaming his own biology in the hopes that he’ll fuck some broad. His sexual cravings are inhibited because he’s perfectly conscious he can’t fuck anything using his natural charms. He doesn’t have any in the first place. A drunken sailor with a lisp is more attractive and persuasive than he is. The surprise comes when the women he’s protecting keep refusing him.

Why’s that? For the simple fact that not even feminist women are impressed by weak and emotional men with the personality of a jellyfish. Instead, they choose these men for other, more individualist reasons. They want to take control of the relationship, and satisfy their need to dominate men. What kind of man would let himself be dominated by a woman? You guessed it – a feminist man – the lowest level of declining masculinity.

Even when they’re having sex with other women, which they barely do at all, these men are inhibited, incapable, and ashamed. They prefer being dominated, rather than risk offending a woman by taking the initiative. Therefore, the only way they’ll ever fuck a pussy is if they let themselves be fucked by the women whom they allegedly respect. Masculine sexuality, however, doesn’t allow such behaviors in exchange for satisfaction. Such men are sad, unhappy, and psychologically undermined in the end. Their own masculine and manly pride gets eliminated.

Low testosterone levels

This is one of the main reasons for the aberration that is the feminist man. Testosterone has been scientifically proven to be tied to masculinity, aggression, self-confidence. And manliness. The more testosterone you have, the better. With limits, of course. Among other things, testosterone indicate your facial hair grown, for instance. Less testosterone – less facial hair.

That’s why we’re seeing feminist “men” with no facial hair that seem like high-school students. Testosterone also indicates a man’s masculinity and aggression. These are essential factors in a man’s biology – for instance, a man shouldn’t accept being stepped upon, and he shouldn’t have a weak personality. He’s meant to be a winner, to struggle with his survival and come out on top through combat, physical or otherwise. He should take down the strongest competitors, and prove his physical and intellectual superiority. That’s what men have been doing all this time, and it’s worked great for them.

Speaking of physical superiority, men undermine the importance of physical training. These are an efficient method of improving your testosterone levels, actually. It’s not only healthy to train your body, it’s also more satisfying for your self-esteem. Physical power and a toned body will provide more self-esteem, more manliness, and more dominative drive. As a man, you feel good knowing that you’re strong and you represent a danger for any threat out there.

What are women attracted to?

Firstly, I can tell you what they’re not attracted to. Feminist and effeminate men that act like squiggling worms that you can squash by mistake, that’s what. No one knows where the idea that women are sexually attracted to emotional men appeared. Indeed, a man should respect women but that shouldn’t be his singular or most important character trait. Essentially, men don’t respect, they confront and dominate. They’re innately aggressive, and they should fight for their own survival against other men. Only the pride of prevailing over competitors will increase their masculinity and reliability as men.

Just as women are more flexible, malleable, and less authoritative, men are steady, steadfast, strong, and they prefer using their mental or physical fortitude to solve problems. This doesn’t mean men are a sorry bunch of savages who only use raw force to solve issues, not by a long-shot. However, men are more authoritative, dominative, and more aggressive than women. They do things differently, and they interact with the world differently.

Apparently, effeminate men aren’t included in that category. They tend to use the same tools as women do – empathy and emotions. They are impulsive, irrational, and they consider that they impress women through their bravery and chivalry. These are vain hopes, though. Most of the time, empathy and emotions don’t demand respect. What does, though, is authority, verbal steadfastness, psychological stability, calmness, and masculinity.

These traits are attributed mostly to men, meaning that it’s much easier to obtain these traits if you’re a masculine man filled to the brim with testosterone. If you’re a woman or an effeminate man who can’t even piss in the urinals alongside other men, mental fortitude, self-confidence, and authority are Klingonian to you.. It’s already good that they find the courage to get out of the house and talk to people, albeit not in a very masculine way.