

Good and bad relationships

Healthy relationships are long-term ones established between two people who share common goals in life. Generally, partners understand each other very well, there are no pointless conflicts between them, and everything is just fine. This type of relationship survives the test of time and it is a healthy relationship. Of course, you’d need two equally responsible partners with serious goals in life. That’s the only way a long-term relationship can form.

Bad relationships are the juvenile and irresponsible kind that break off just as easily as they form. The reasons for such relationships are superficial and hedonistic in nature, most times. Both partners want to have fun or strengthen their social reputation, so they form a relationship. The selfishness of both partners come into conflict at one point which leads to further conflicts, and the relationship breaks off. However, things don’t stop here. These relationships break off and come back together many times.

More or less, you can figure out when a relationship is bad by observing the partners’ mindsets. They argue for stupid reasons and they have violent reactions to the smallest things. They can also be irresponsible and immature when it comes to communication. Their future plans only go one way – what type of fast-food they’re going to eat and when they’re going to the club. In this case, we can easily say that this type of relationship is not healthy or serious.

Why are short-term relationships bad?

By observing today’s relationships, especially among young people below 25 years old, we can conclude that:

- Many relationships are short-term

- The partners are immature and irresponsible

- Emotions are overflowing, especially in women

- Impulsiveness is ever-present

- Relationships are juvenile and unstable

- Communication is highly inefficient

These are some of the downsides noticeable in today’s relationships. It’s absurd enough seeing a couple break up and come back together countless times in the span of a few months. Clearly, there’s something wrong with one of them, or even both partners. If there’s not a form of efficient communication between them, it’s not a surprise that they act like idiots and break up after slight conflicts.

A short-term relationship is based in the incompatibility between partners or someone’s refusal to make compromises. In a healthy relationship, both partners make small compromises to accept the other person’s presence. Perfection doesn’t exist, and neither does perfect compatibility between partners. To accept these differences, you need to make compromises. This is where most problems related to short-term relationships emerge. Because neither one accepts compromises, the relationship breaks off in the end.

Short-term relationships are bad because they don’t lead to anything productive other than some fun and constant conflicts. If the goal of the relationship is stability, then these relationships are big failures. On the other hand, a stable and healthy bond between partners is long-term, and based on the mental maturity of both people. Acceptance, communication, compromises, deep feelings, all of these lead to stability. Haste and impulsiveness lead to one-night stands and affairs that take the form of short-term relationships.

The real problem of relationships

Not only young people have bad relationships. Older people have them too. Only that these relationships are founded on traditional principles. Back then, it was a taboo to break up with someone after swearing your vows and whatnot. Choosing to be with someone for life was a hard decision to take back. In general, the problem of bad relationships was always the intellectual immaturity and low education of people. I’m talking about those dumb fucks with little to no ethical principles, a primitive level of empathy, and inefficient communication skills.

The only motivation for short-term relationships is elevating your social status. A little bit of emotional impulsiveness and sexual desires are sprinkled here and there. When you go through countless relationships, you either have bad taste in the opposite sex, or you have a personal problem yourself. Regardless of your sex, the same things apply. You need to analyze yourself to realize what’s the problem – your tastes in men and women, or your behavior in relationships.

Again, we get to the same ideas – lack of experience and lack of education. A bad and low-level character leaves nothing but chaos and conflicts around it. With a bad character, your relationships are short-lived, conflicting, violent, and poisonous. The partners you choose are on your general level, which is an inferior one. If you want to have stable and serious relationships, fix your personal problems and learn how to behave in a relationship!

What’s the conclusion?

The conclusion is that bad relationships are the short-lived kind. Partners aren’t mentally, psychologically, or socially mature enough. They lack life experience, they can’t life with one another by doing personal compromises, and they sure as hell can’t understand one another efficiently. The test for a serious relationship is living together. If you and your partner can’t live together in the same house, then you both have a problem that needs to be solved.

You need some serious self-contemplation or analysis of a potential partner to figure out if a relationship is good for you. Are they the right person for you? Do you have something in common, or a similar cultural and intellectual foundation? Can you communicate efficiently or do you easily argue for the dumbest reasons? Answer these questions and you’ll know if the woman you met is right for you and if a long-term relationship is possible. Perhaps she’s just looking for fun and sex, and she’s not ready to assume any responsibility for a relationship.

You can’t expect to form a long-term bond with someone you just met. You’ve interacted too little with that person and you don’t know them well enough. It would be dumb to hurry things up and form an unstable and chaotic relationship. Alternatively, maturity and personal responsibility form stable, long-term, and healthy relationships that will improve your life experience and give you something to think about for the future. These relationships stand the test of time.