

  • How to fuck like a god

    Posted at 27.10.2020
    How do you know you’re not fucking like a god? Generally, you can figure it out pretty quickly. After a few failed experienced with women, you know something’s wrong. Something stinks in Denmark, and it’s probably the way you’re fucking your women. Maybe you’re not doing something right or you don’t even know what to do at specific times. The idea is that, in the end, you’re satisfied but your woman is angry and disappointed. You have no idea what the problem is. After all, it was good for you, right?
  • What is a functional relationship

    Posted at 12.10.2020
    Existing problems in today’s relationships Before defining a functional relationship, we should first understand what a dysfunctional relationship entails. To do that, we have plenty of examples of actual relationships that don’t work as they should. One of the reasons is the incompatibility between partners, be it socio-cultural or intellectual. If you’re aiming for functionality and peaceful relationships, then the partners should interact on the same wavelengths. Or, at least, the inferior partner should follow in the footsteps of the other one. This type of mutual understanding represents one of the main pillars of a functional relationship.
  • The myth of the sensitive man

    Posted at 30.09.2020
    What is the sensitive man? The sensitive man is a special guy in our society. Romantically speaking, this guy is full of feelings and strong emotions. He’s the type who cries at dramatic movies and who gets sad when he sees a wounded animal. But even more so, he’s the guy who interacts with women on the same emotional level. Is that good? Is it bad? Some inexperienced men might say that this is a good thing for women. They feel good knowing that they can interact with a man on a deeper level. However, reality doesn’t care for feelings or opinions.
  • Myths about masculine women

    Posted at 22.09.2020
    The feminine woman and the masculine woman The feminine woman is the one we all know and love – classic, loving, emotional, and the origin of happiness in a relationship. Without women, the world would be a much darker, lifeless place. We’ve all gotten used to the idea of a classic woman, and we can’t see the world populated by other types of women. Not because we’re enclosed in a limited bubble, but because this classic woman is functional in society. By feminine woman, we refer to a woman who works casually and who emphasizes family. Her goal in life is to be part of a family and to be loved by her partner. Obviously, there are countless businesswomen who excel in their own fields, and who don’t give a flying fuck about family.
  • Short-term relationships

    Posted at 15.09.2020
    Good and bad relationships Healthy relationships are long-term ones established between two people who share common goals in life. Generally, partners understand each other very well, there are no pointless conflicts between them, and everything is just fine. This type of relationship survives the test of time and it is a healthy relationship. Of course, you’d need two equally responsible partners with serious goals in life. That’s the only way a long-term relationship can form.
  • Sex for pleasure or passion

    Posted at 09.09.2020
    What’s the difference between the two? On the one hand, there’s sex for pleasure, to receive the ultimate physical satisfaction. On the other hand, we have sex for passion and love, based on feelings and affection. The difference between the two becomes obvious once we compare them. One is purely physical, the other involves feelings. For the first type, you can go to professional escorts or pick up the average fuck-buddy in town. Spend the night with her, and the next day, both of you will forget about each other. That’s sex for pleasure.
  • How to easily conquer a woman

    Posted at 01.09.2020
    What do women love about men? The female psychology is notoriously difficult to comprehend for those without experience. You often hear that understanding women is an impossible feat, that they think differently than men, and so on. The truth is somewhere in the middle. A woman does think differently than men but she’s not even half as difficult to understand as others make it out to be. All you have to know is that a woman tends to be more emotional and sentimental, while a man is more rational and logical.
  • Arguments in a relationship

    Posted at 23.08.2020
    How do arguments in a relationship begin? Let me share a secret with you – relationship arguments almost vanish when a man knows how to manage his relationship and woman. If you know how to impose your perspective well enough, in a rational and calm manner, your woman will prefer following your advice most times. Communication is the key to any successful relationship. Knowing how to interact with your woman will make her submit to you easily. The fewer reasons she has to be unhappy, the better for you.
  • Is it big enough ?

    Posted at 18.08.2020
    Are you worried about size? Most men are worried about size at some point in life, whether they want to or not. It’s a natural question, given all the stereotypes propagated in society about the size of a man’s penis. You often hear that a woman will be more satisfied the bigger you are. Well, it’s time to break all these myths and toss them into oblivion. The truth is that many women say the opposite, that you don’t have to have a big cock to have quality sex.
  • The ideal relationship

    Posted at 11.08.2020
    Does the ideal relationship exist? It depends on what you understand by “ideal”. If you expect everything to be all milk and honey, no conflicts or problems at all, then you’re wrong. There is no such thing, unless you marry yourself. All people are different and they fit together in a relationship with those differences. Your partner has certain things that she’s interested in, things that she likes, a certain attitude or personality that are different to yours. That’s just what you love about her.