Interracial sex is nothing new
There is been a lot of talk about interracial sex and I can see why. People are fucking obsessed with this idea of fucking a different color person. In some cases I can tell why, like in those involving black guys. I get it, you like it big and if that is what you like, going for a black dude will most likely get you there. But this is not the only thing that urges people in their interracial sex quests. It almost seems like some have a fascination for it.
And I can only suspect the reason for why that is. I guess it comes from a certain feeling of taboo that seems to surround the entire phenomenon. For instance, in regard to the interracial sex between a black man and a woman of any other color, the general public seems to share an usually majorly bad view. It falls in the ballpark of “That whore likes fucking niggers. Such a disgusting whore”
Now, I am not sure why would the fact that you enjoy fucking black men make you a whore, but whatever, you know? People would just believe what they want to believe. It is in their nature. But enough small talk. Today we are not going to talk about whore-ism, but about the strange particularities that define each category of people in particular, based on their culture, which is usually separated by skin pigmentation. I don’t know how to explain this without sounding racist, but let me clear that right from the beginning: I am not racist. So, fuck you!
1. Black interracial sex
So, in most of these cases, we are talking about a black dude and an uncertainly color defined chick. But mostly we are talking about a black dude in the first place. It is very rare that you get to see the chick as being black and the man some other color. Very rare, because it is also more appealing for having a black dude on set. Why? Because it all comes down to a large dick. And this seems to appeal to both men and women. Like men like to see women being fucked by black dudes with large cocks too. Makes you wonder, really. Makes you wonder big time.
2. Asian interracial sex
So, I will assume that there is no secret in the fact that Asian porn is, in and of itself, a fucking genuine ecosystem. When getting involved in an Asian interracial sex orgy, especially as a woman, there is nothing that should surprise you. I guess this is why some would go there. For the fucking thrills. It is, in many ways, something like an extreme sport. It is like going on jellyfish hunting with your bare hands and completely naked. You never know what is going to happen. You have a pretty good idea, but you don’t really know what is going to be like. And some are after that thrill.
3. Indian interracial sex
Indian guys are usually short. No idea if this is because their diet or it is genetics involved. I would rather point towards genetics. My point is that they are small sized and you usually get to see them in sex scenes involving some rather large women. I don’t know that could be all on me and on what I stumbled across. But when I usually get into the Indian porn mix sex, I always end up seeing a poor 5 feet fucker, being crushed by a 230 pounds female. It is heartbreaking and funny at the same time. Less erotic though.
4. Latino interracial sex
The name is pretty misleading, because we are not talking about boys here. We are talking about females. Unlike the other categories, here we have women walking into the spotlight. The latinas. Small to medium sized tits, absolutely huge asses and thighs and milk and chocolate skin color. But mainly everything about latinas is the rear. They get fucked by literally everyone and I assume that their main attraction is their big, meaty, fat ass of theirs, since it is their personal signature.
5. Thai interracial sex
I know what you are thinking right now. Why the fuck didn’t I merge this category with the Asian one? They are literally the same, right? Right, but with one notable difference. When talking about Thai sex, we have to think of lady-boys. You don’t have Thai anything without them. Although shemales and lady-boys appear in other categories as well, this is where they flourish. So much so that you fear fucking any Thai girl at all. You never know when she will pull a massive dick at you at a moment’s notice. Now that’s a boner killer right there. Except for the case when you are being a fucking pervert.
Now I assume you would like to ask me if I am okay with these types of practices. In theory, I have nothing against the idea of interracial sex. Absolutely nothing. What I do have a problem with is the specific practices in each case in particular. So I would like to destroy some myths in this regard, for both men and women.
- A big dick is not always something you want. It doesn’t guarantee you pleasure. It causes mainly pain. If you want that, ok, just that you need to know it in advance
- Perversions are different in practice than in theory. Be careful what you want. If you want to try some fish swimming in your pussy, not a problem. If you want some Thai girl fucking you with her big and virile dick, fine also. Just be sure that is what you want.
But other than that, there is absolutely nothing wrong with fucking someone with a different color than yours. We are all human beings and, despite quite a few particular cases, we all fuck the same. And no practice makes you a whore or a man-whore. Unless you are working as one.