

The path to being a supreme stud

As a man, you probably have a plethora of fantasies about how you fuck anything that moves, and how you destroy the most beautiful pussies in the world. It’s alright, that’s an innate trait of us men. Despite all this, we all know that this isn’t how things turn out to be in reality. And perhaps you’ve ended up being envious of the perfect male specimens that you see in porn movies.

How do those fuckers manage to fuck 3 or 4 chicks for half an hour or even longer? After all, you barely manage to hold your nerves for about 10 minutes, and even that is a stretch. Something stinks in Denmark, something which you clearly don’t know about, am I right? Right. When it comes to porn stars, it really is all about some secrets that most people don’t have access to. A lot of them, though, aren’t really secrets, it’s just that nobody ever thinks about them.

If you want to enhance your sexual performance, either in length or frequency, you need to learn how to fuck like a porn star, and this comes wrapped alongside many more strategies. Among them, we can count:

Being in shape

If you’re mentally prepared for a steaming sex session of 30 to 45 minutes or even longer, you need to also consider your physical condition. Sex burns calories, and long, wild sex burns even more. And if you already have issues with moving your body from one place to another, maybe it’s time you made some adjustments. Go to the gym from time to time, and work for at least half an hour per day.

You don’t need to become an Adonis, but getting back into shape is the least you can do. Run on the treadmill, do some calisthenics, and regularly raise the tempo. If you want, you can even do some heavy-lifting, until you get used to it all. You won’t only raise your stamina, but you’ll also start looking more appealing to your woman. Or the potential women you want to hang on your dick.

Think about circumcision

If you’re really dedicated about this, slicing off your foreskin might be a pretty efficient method of enhancing your sexual abilities. The process is relatively easy, through a routine surgical intervention, and the healing process is fast, almost painless. I’m good with keeping my dick in its complete form, but maybe you’re keen on cutting stuff from it.

Circumcision could desensitize the head though. You know, the friction between the head and the vaginal walls is what produces the climax. The moment when that whole region is desensitized, you’ll have a harder time reaching a climax. Actually, it’s entirely possible you’ll completely tire your woman out before reaching an orgasm, which might not be a good thing for all women. Furthermore, think things through before doing it. It’s an irreversible process. So, if you ever change your mind and start having regrets, well, sucks to be you.

Stimulation by drugs

You didn’t actually believe that porn stars have that good a performance naturally, without any kind of external stimulation, did you? If so, then you’re pretty naïve, my friend. Just think about it – those beasts sometimes film more sex scenes per day, a few days in a row. And if you noticed, in most movies, their ejaculations are either discolored, small in quantity, or just weak in strength. Oftentimes, all of the above.

This is a sign that their reservoir has been emptied during all the previous scenes, and what they manage to produce is just a small quantity of seminal liquid, with little to no sperm. Your balls need time to produce it. And when your sperm count grows weak, you won’t be aroused as quickly. This is why the medicinal stimulators will force your dick to stay straight, whether it wants to or not. So, if you’re having performance problems, it would be a good idea to get some Viagra or any other type of medicinal stimulator.

Practice fighting

If you’re not a fan of chemical stimulation, you should try the natural method. Why not practice a close-up sport, even at an amateur level? You’d be amazed by the effects you’ll notice. Judo, kickbox, jiu-jitsu, box, any type of martial art or similar sport that’s based on live sparring will raise your adrenaline level, alongside your testosterone. This has been known for millennia, because testosterone is the one that causes and supports aggression.

At the same time, testosterone will also raise your libido, as a man. More libido – an enhanced mood for sex. And the other way around. This isn’t the only benefit either. Close-up sports are extremely tiring, both physically and intellectually. In just a few weeks, your woman will notice the physical and intellectual changes you’re going through. And, trust me when I say it, she’ll appreciate them.

In the end, don’t believe everything you see on the internet

You need to realize that not everything you read or watch online is true, including the sexual performances of men and women. Most of these movies are edited after the act in order to create specific impressions, like making you believe sex sessions are more enjoyable and lengthier that they actually are. Practically, you’d be trying to get to a performance no one ever achieves, realistically speaking. Because it’s impossible.

What you see is generally a lie. Porn stars don’t enjoy those sex sessions like they seem to do, and if you ever had sex, you know what I mean. In adolescence and pre-adolescence, most guys will probably say they want to become porn stars, which is natural. The hormones are the ones doing the talking. It’s not until you grow up that you come to realize that sex is completely different from what porn movies would lead you to believe.

So my advice is this – put aside the idealistic dreams and take care of your relationship. It doesn’t matter how you think you should fuck. What your woman thinks is important. If you satisfy her in 15 minutes, what else do you need?