

What is manhood?

Manliness or masculinity – the supreme standards that we attribute to some men based on specific characteristics. Why do we call some men masculine and others effeminate and pussies? Obviously, because some demonstrate masculine traits while others the lack thereof. But what exactly is manly masculinity, and what does it consist of?

Biologically speaking, testosterone is a highly suggestive indicator of a man’s masculinity. It’s a type of hormone, that’s what you need to know. It’s the main hormone involved in the masculine biology, playing an essential role in the development of the masculine reproductive organs. Likewise, it influences the physical and psychological development of a man, tipping the balance toward masculinity.

Manhood is a state of self, a preponderantly psychological state that manifests through several essential traits:

- A stable and solid personality

- Competitiveness

- Latent aggressiveness

- Self-confidence

- A firm and impregnable attitude

We can list down many such traits that illustrate a man’s masculinity, and they’d all be correct. In essence, all the traits related to power, stability, self-confidence, and aggression are essential markers of masculinity. Therefore, it becomes easy to identify those individuals that fall off the mark in this category of masculine men.

Masculinity as a choice

Fortunately or unfortunately, masculinity or manhood don’t become wrapped up in a package with your biological sex, not necessarily at least. You can be a man, biologically speaking, but also a sworn feminist or a crybaby that sheds tears every time someone offends you on the internet. That’s the exact opposite of masculinity. If masculinity revolves around aggression and power, then femininity is tied to feelings, emotions, empathy, a weak character, and psychological malleability.

In other words, if you’re an emasculated man, you’re automatically effeminate – a high level of emotionality. Moreover these crybabies and “manginas” have a terrifying feeling of inferiority, and an execrable level of self-esteem. They’re introverts most of the time, as well. This state appears as a result of one’s lifestyle, the social interaction and preferences, as well as one’s own choices. If you prefer the company of girls to that of boys, guess what happens to your testosterone?
By interacting with girl-only social groups, you’ll almost never come across a situation where you have to prove your manhood or enter into competition with another man. You tend to appeal to emotions because that’s what works best with women, or that’s what you think. A man-only social group is a mine-field where everyone becomes a competitor and a potential enemy. To prove your superiority or maintain your manhood, you must demonstrate you have manly traits. The world of men is a cruel one but that’s exactly why it fosters strong and successful men.

You can increase your masculinity at any time.

It’s been scientifically proven that physical exercises intensify your body’s testosterone levels. Putting aside the obvious health benefits of physical exercises, it’s also a direct and efficient way of increasing your testosterone. You’ll notice the advantages to your psychological wellbeing – you’ll feel more energized, and more motivated to increase your day-to-day productivity. Physical training is necessary for any man, especially if he has a more sedentary lifestyle.

Consider this – a few tens of thousands of years ago, our ancestors were hunting animals for food, trekking through mountains and meadows to procure it. They were training their bodies to confront the dire conditions of the unwelcoming environment, and to increase their overall survivability. They were creating tools, chasing prey, and they were in a constant struggle to face the hostile environment and other males. Life was hard, and only the strongest, most masculine men managed to propagate their genes forward. That is, fuck all the shapeliest and most beautiful women around.

The present society is much more forgiving that the savageness of primitivism. It offers a level of comfort that our ancestors couldn’t even fathom. However, once it took on a more superior meaning than the simple life-or-death struggle, many of us have become complacent to our potential. Why should we train our bodies and minds if this is no longer necessary? In the end, you don’t need physical prowess to succeed in life. Brawns over brains, after all. Be that as it may but our bodies still feel the need to be trained and polished – our biology demands physical training.

The body works based on the same survival principles that our ancestors used in the past. The human body didn’t develop through a sedentary lifestyle. Instead, it developed following intense effort and dynamism. Our biology adapted to the hostile environment, and necessity taught man that it had to adapt to the environment or it would perish. Clearly, being sedentary isn’t a good thing for us as humans, not even now. If you want to be more masculine and impress women, train your body, and achieve physical self-mastery.

What happens if you forego physical training?

If you’re sedentary and you ignore the perks of physical training, your body will stagnate. Your psychological state will sway toward depression and incapability. If physical training make you more energetic and optimistic, what would stagnation bring you? The exact opposite, obviously. Even more, your testosterone will stagnate or become lower even. You can’t feel or act masculine if you have a low testosterone level, and the lack of physical training is an integral factor in this case.

There are countless advantages to undergoing physical training or going to the gym. You improve your lung capacity, improve your musculature and joints, and your body will sustain an added quantity of effort. You’ll be much more productive, efficient, and confident with yourself. Your self-esteem will grow, and you won’t be as fearful of social or physical confrontations. Your entire lifestyle will be improved following physical training.

Regarding your love life, the advantages of physical training are obvious. Women will swarm around you. Moreover, you’ll become more dominative and aggressive, positively speaking. You’ll be able to support your ideas with more conviction and steadfastness, and you won’t allow yourself to be stepped upon. Undergoing physical training to increase your testosterone bring only advantages, so get a gym subscription right now, and start working your body!