

Give it some time for the second round. Or third?

Ever had that moment when your lover simply didn’t perform as you would’ve liked to? Was that round just a tad bit too short for your liking? Are you simply frustrated with the promise of pleasurable hours turned to mere minutes? Well, those are all normal reactions to such scenarios, but what if I told you that such an abrupt end to sex can in fact not be the end of it?

Sure, your partner underperformed last nights and a few other nights before, but who keeps count? Well, of course, you do. What if I told you all of that can change? While I can’t promise the first round won’t end as abruptly as before, I can tell you that you could simply keep at it until you’re satisfied with the sex your partner has to offer.

Although you may be used to being promised nights of endless pleasure only to be given just a few thrusts of satisfaction, if you could call it that, things can definitely change for the better. First and foremost, as with all relationships of any kind, communication is key. I don’t mean simply telling your partner that you want more, no.

That’s probably already a given since I’m certain you’ve already handed him a handful of complaints, which by the way might only create unnecessary pressure. An open discussion about your desires as well as his and what he can offer and expects from you is crucial.

Getting over the first-round barrier

After surpassing this stage, everything else should seem like a smooth sail. Granted, it might be easier said than done, but it’s not something incredibly difficult to do. First, a consensus must be reached about what you both expect from one another. Given that you should both be rational individuals, this shouldn’t be that hard. After all is said and done, a more practical discussion should take place.

You see, when it comes to sex, most men are rather easily enticed into the act. So much so that they can be seduced over and over again. What do I mean by that? Well, after the first round is over, you might as well start the second one, right? How do you do that if he’s no longer in the mood? Well, by getting him in the mood again, of course.

A lot of relationships tend to have this issue, where partners simply can’t seem to realize that you can have at it more than once by making things more exciting overall in bed. The most common cause for a boring and unsatisfactory sex life is the routine. Doing the same thing over and over creates a habit, one that in this case is not healthy for a relationship. I don’t mean that having sex regularly is the issue, but the way you have sex generally can be. You shouldn’t expect change by doing the exact thing over and over again.

Adding some spice into the bedroom

If you and your partner are to enjoy a more fulfilling sexual life, then both of you really need to have the fetish talk. Well, it doesn’t have to necessarily be about fetishes, but you definitely have to discuss about what excites the both of you in bed, regardless of how silly those things might sound at first.

Again, communication is crucial to finding out what gets the both of you going and after you do that, things tend to start becoming easier. This can also be seen as an exercise of trust that can create an even more accommodating environment in which you can live your wildest fantasies without shame. As surprising as it may be, most partners don’t really know each other until they can talk about what they really want and feel like during sex.

By breaking that barrier, even the frustration you’ve felt from the lack of satisfaction will eventually cease, because you will understand the inner workings of what caused the problems in the first place.

Feeling comfortable with proposing things you can try out in the bedroom is crucial for having a healthy and fulfilling sex life. So, the next time you two get down and dirty, you will have the security of knowing what to expect and what can be done to make your nightly adventure more exciting. Now, I won’t be giving any particular examples since I’m certain the both of you already know what you want to try out.

Making it an all-nighter

Now, I know this sounds too wild to be true, but in reality, it’s quite achievable. We already talked about opening up regarding your fantasies, now it’s time to put them into practice. Sure, the first round might end as it usually does, without you getting to feel much satisfaction, but by making things spicy you can keep him wanting more and more to the point he’ll do you until you’ll be the one asking for a break.

There are few things that men enjoy more than being seduced. Not only does it mean there’s sex to be expected, but it also feeds their ego, and you’ll be surprised how well a confident and proud man can perform knowing he’s being desired by his partner. The art of seduction isn’t even that difficult, not in these circumstances. Making a man understand how badly you want him is as easy as just telling him.

Of course, you can’t just always say those exact same words to him and expect the same result. Sometimes you have to be more inventive. This can be done not only with words, but with body language as well. Whispers of your desires together with an inviting pose, among many other methods, are granted to get him all riled up and ready for more, so remember not to be shy. Not in the least.

Going at it multiple times will greatly boost his confidence as well, making it even easier for him to engage in an entire night shift of sex, on more than one occasion.