

There is something strange about bisexuality

Bisexuality, homosexuality and heterosexuality – these are the 3 main categories, defining the sexual orientation. And, among them, heterosexuality is the easiest to define and understand. Most of the people around the globe are heterosexuals. Homosexuals represent the minority and they still try to gain validation in many corners of the earth. Around the Arab countries, for instance, the only thing they try is not dying after being thrown from the buildings. But that is a different topic altogether.

It is ok, after all, the world is diverse and more interesting that way. But the deal with homosexuals is pretty much set. There are still some divergences remaining, but mostly everyone knows by now where we stand. My real problem here is bisexuals. Bisexuals are different for one reason – they are not born that way. In the case of homosexuality, we are dealing with a genetic predisposition, to which you add outside factors, like education and the influences of the social environment. But you will still have the genetic influences there and those are beyond any control.

I keep reminding that so that you won’t have to fear that they may take the world by storm and cause us all to become homosexuals. It wouldn’t be the first time I have heard this argument, you know? Now, unlike homosexuals, bisexuals are not born that way. You cannot be born with the desire to fuck both men and women in equal proportions. There is no such thing. So my question is what is their motivation? It gets even weirder, because most of the bisexuals are women.

Women have something extra

Or something in minus, not yet decided. The problem is like this. In many cases when I have heard the bisexuality being brought up, there was always about semi-drunk or stoned girls. I am not saying that this is the norm, but it definitely suggests that the tendency in its own is the result of a caprice. A caprice that has degenerated lately in some rather imbecile trends like sexual fluidity. Which I still have no idea what the fuck is supposed to mean. And I believe that bisexuality is a form of standing out from the crowd. It is the kind of thing representing retards who are trying to find ways to become the center of attention.

And then we have another interesting aspect regarding this whole matter. Like I have said it before, it is women who approach bisexuality under different pretexts. And going through a lot of statements and experiences other people have went through, I believe I have came up to the real reason women are more interested in bisexuality than men. Because, here is the deal. A man will think that the sex scene between 2 women is erotic, while that between 2 men is horrendous. I am talking about the heterosexual man.

There is a whole different thing about females. Women seem to function the other way around, since, for them, the exciting scene is the one between 2 females as well, as compared to the one between 2 males. They are more open to the idea of both homosexuality and bisexuality in particular. And this is that much more interesting when you take into consideration the fact that they are not homosexuals themselves. They are straight.

It is possible that there is something genetic or psychological in the middle, I have no idea. But I must say I have found out some pretty interesting things out of this. Like:

- Women have smoother skin than men
- Women have softer lips, which means that kissing one feels more sensual
- Women are more sensitive to the touch

I had no idea about some of these aspects and I found them quite interesting. After all, there was no way for me to know about them by means of experimentation, because I do not usually kiss men. So I have no basis for a comparison.

Bisexuals, orgies and fantasies

Very hard you get to have bisexuals and not have some type of orgies in the same equation. It does not happen with every case in particular, but most of them tend to revolve around that premise. And in most of the cases we have bisexual women in the company of one or more men. Bisexual men are extremely rare in these cases. I don’t actually remember of ever seeing one. Quite peculiar, isn’t it?

Now, let’s get this straight. I have no problem with sexual fantasies. I get that they are important, because, in the end, they define our sexuality. Perversions are not blamable to begin with, as long as they do not deviate in undesired directions. And, according to all the data he hold, this is just another type of perversion, no question about it. And this is not a bad thing in itself, as long as you don’t play the “I am different from the rest, which makes me special” song.

After all, it is things like bisexuality that has led to the rainbow of genders, for instance, or the diversity of sexual orientations, in which people self identify as pansexuals. And there was another term defining those who were having sex with nature. Like literally, they were fucking the earth and the grass and the leaves and so on. They got horny by that perspective, just like a straight guy would get horny in the face of a woman’s naked body.

What I am trying to say is that there is a very fine line between fantasy and mental breakdown. And our goal is to have as fewer crazy people as we can. In other words, we need to agree to the obvious which is: bisexuality is a personal choice. It is not inherited genetically. In this regard, I tend to avoid supporting such trends, because they almost always tend to degenerate in some more malign versions. There is a limit even in perversion.