

The pussy is the compass we use in our pursuit of happiness

This sounds like one of those samples of Chinese wisdom or something you would have expected from Ghandi or Nietzsche. Although I doubt this is something Nietzsche would have said. But the matter of fact is that we are drawn by the feminine charm more than anything else and the pussy is the ultimate prize we are all looking for. If you think you are above sexuality and that you can be in the company of a woman without any sexual impulse flinching in your underwear, let me tell you that you are a virgin.

We have all been through these phases at one point in time. It is only virgins and eunuchs who think that they are not the slaves of sexuality. And I totally agree with them. You need to be either a virgin or a eunuch in order to place yourself above sexuality. Some have never met it, the others have lost their ability to taste it.

In reality though, we cannot function in society without being constantly flooded with perverse thoughts. The simple image of a beautiful woman is enough to inspire filthy thoughts. It is how we, men, function. We see a woman and we immediately begin to dream about all the ways we could destroy her pussy.

But can we do it?

For most men it is all a matter of confidence. Some are quite confident, which helps them achieving a lot of pussies for their private collection, others not so much. Their most loyal girlfriend is the five fingered one. So, the secret is confidence.

I know it sounds like a cliché but it is what impresses women the most. It has become so obvious over time that it is a cliché. Women are attracted to confident men, who know what they want and how to get it. It is a quality that does not come around very often although you couldn’t tell. When you talk to each man in particular, they are all alpha males undercover.

So, in essence, can we or can we not fuck any woman we want. In theory, we can, in practice, it depends. A lot of studies have shown that, when it comes to men, their physical appearance is not as important as you might think. Most of the men and women have certain standards when it comes to physical appearance, but you almost never seem them apply those standards in their relationships.

This is why you get to see a lot of women falling for some distant cousin of Beast Sapiens. I know, in many cases it is the gold diggers who do that, but not in all cases. Sometimes they actually fall for those hideous creatures, however unlikely that might seem.

Take it slow!

Let’s start with the first step:

1. Make her smile

This is extremely important. Men who tend to have more humor seem more attractive than the rest. Now there is a problem in this regard. The main issue is that being funny is a talent. You either have it or not. If you don’t have it, too bad, you can go fuck yourself. You cannot train yourself in being funny. That shit comes naturally.

But those who have it are good to go. All you need to keep in mind is that you need to make her laugh but be careful not to overreact. Do not go too far, because this way jokes tend will lose some of their charms. And smile on each occasion, in a subtle and charming way. Do not laugh like a fucking hillbilly on crack.

2. Complement her

You can never fail with this. Women love complements, even if they are not entirely true. Now try and keep them as real as possible. You can’t tell her she is like a model if she looks like she is about to give birth to a horse. Stick to complements that are rooted in reality. At least in part.

This is guaranteed to capture her interest, as long as you do not overreact.

3. Take her out on a coffee

A friends’ coffee, right? And let her talk 75% of the time. You just listen and maintain the visual contact at all times. It will help create a bond and she will not even realize it. And listen and comment on what she says. Forget about the pussy for a while and focus on what she is saying. Do not fuck this up!

4. Do not call her

Okay, so you promised you will call her. Forget about that. Let her do that move for you. When she will ask about the reason, just invoke something like a busy schedule or some trivial nonsense. That will make her think. Was she not interesting enough? Or maybe you did not find her too attractive, maybe?

Chicks will get bored easily by those acting like fags, so don’t be a fag. Play the hard-to-get card and wait for her to do the move next. She will call you, don’t worry.

5. Do not talk about yourself

That will make her curious and she will want to know more. Only offer her some meaningless details, like where you work and what your hobbies are. DO NOT go into details like which hand you use when you masturbate or the fact that you like sniffing on dirty panties. Stick to the normal human hobbies.

You will catch her interest pretty fast.

So, this list is not like an infallible guide on how to get laid. It strictly depends on your abilities as well. But it is surely an important addition in the arsenal of any alpha male who wants to go for the pussy. Just take what you can from it, play it smart and you might get a piece of her vagina.

That is if you are lucky. If not, don’t give up! There is enough vagina for everybody.